X-men RolePlay Wiki
Forums: Index > Enrollment > Jonathon Frale "Sphere" - Approved

Name: Jonathon frale

Mutant Name: Sphere

Powers: He has the ability to create forcefields. However he can also use them for offense, Hw holds his palms together and the energy around him forms into a pink sphere. He can use this to fly, throw, and defense

History: He was born to a wealthy family that had him go to a all year boarding school. At thirteen he met seth alder and they discovered their powers together. During an incident, there powers were revealed and they were kicked out of the school. They later found the institute.

Weakness: His energy balls may be super destructive, howeer he can make them no bigger than an average school desk TIS ME THE AWESOME DRAGOON 19:36, September 17, 2011 (UTC)

Approved. Maybe a little more detail on the history? CURSE YOU, AQUA SCUM! ~Wise :D 19:48, September 28, 2011 (UTC)
